Rider: BEL   BEX Nathalie
Date of Birth: 12/04/1998
Team: Chevalmeire
Website: -
© Bingoal Casino - Chevalmeire

  Date   Race   Rank   Points  
 23/6 BEL   National Championships Belgium (Sint-Lievens-Houtem - Zottegem) R.R. 10 14 
 19/5 BEL   Antwerp Port Epic Ladies 22 3 
 21/3 BEL   Classic Brugge-De Panne 110 3 
  Total: 20  

Chicabike 2019

27/07/2024 - Remarks and suggestions can be sent to chicabike@gmail.com
Chicabike, 22nd edition - Managed by Marcel Luyckx and Filip Mas - Copyright: www.gigabike.be